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Learning is at Bath Philharmonia’s heart; our Creative Learning Team create and perform original music with extraordinary people. Working in local schools and with Young Carer organisations our projects help young people develop their musical skills whilst impacting on personal and social outcomes. Through music-making, Bath Philharmonia opens up new opportunities for a whole new generation of concert-goers.

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A Young Carer is a child (aged 5-18) who has a significant caring responsibility for a family member who is ill, disabled or misuses drugs or alcohol. With an average age of 13 years old, Young Carers’ caring roles can affect their education, friendships, health & wellbeing.

This project helps because it makes your feelings feel precious” 

Young Carer, aged 8, Bath

The Bath Phil Creative Learning team deliver a series of immersive day-long workshops enabling YCs to compose and perform their own music, woven into orchestral textures and forms. The positive, supportive environment helps YCs to build confidence, self-esteem, raises aspirations, develops musicianship and reduces isolation. The project is designed to give Young Carers a safe place to play as they often miss out on opportunities to spend time with friends leading to feelings of loneliness and isolation.


Bath Philharmonia’s Creative Learning Team aims to provide access to and participation in professional high-quality music-making for pupils in Primary, Secondary and SEND Schools. We can provide workshops and access to performances to help your school on its Arts Mark journey.

We want every Primary School Child in B&NES to experience Bath Philharmonia perform live and be able to make music in their own school led by a trained workforce.

Our starting point is the orchestra and the repertoire it performs. Children experience orchestral music every day, whether whilst watching movies, hearing soundtracks to TV programmes or interacting with games consoles. We introduce them to the live orchestral experience and enable them to discover their own love of orchestral music by creating their own music

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  • We invite the school to attend an orchestral rehearsal.

  • The children are given a fun and interactive introduction to the music.

  • The children take part in musical games that help them to understand more about the music.

  • The children get their own private performance and have the chance to meet the musicians.

  • Where possible the children are given free tickets to attend the evening concert with their families.

  • The Bath Phil Creative Learning team lead a full-day workshop in school that enables the children to create their own music (based on the orchestral music that they heard in rehearsal), form an ensemble and perform to the wider school community.

  • The Creative Learning Team provide CPD training to teachers on creative music-making in the classroom.

  • I loved the awe-chestra. It was awe-some!” Rosie, Yr 5 pupil


Bath Philharmonia are experts in leading cross-curricular residencies within schools.

From 2014-2018, the Bath Philharmonia Creative Learning team led 20 projects across Southern England focusing on The Great War.

The concert hit so many emotions and was hard to believe that you had only five days to put it all together, it was very poignant for us and a truly amazing way for the children to explore what life was like in their community during the first world war.” Library Manager, Charlestown School Project Nov 2018

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For the past six years, Bath Philharmonia has delivered a year-round partnership project with King Edward’s School, Bath. The showcase of the project is a gala concert in which the school orchestra perform side by side with our orchestra. Throughout the year, and leading up to this performance, Bath Philharmonia’s Music Director and musicians deliver a series of orchestral workshops with the pupils, instrumental and performance masterclasses and orchestral leadership mentoring.

To be invited to perform as a soloist to be accompanied by the prestigious Bath Philharmonia at this year’s Gala Concert is both an enormous privilege and a formidable challenge.” Theo, Yr 13 pupil and concerto soloist.

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